Information about SOCAN Fees

UBC is required to pay SOCAN tariffs when it rents out its facilities for events that play music. Read More…

UBC continues to support AUCC in its negotiations

UBC continues to support AUCC in its negotiations with Access Copyright. Read More…

UBC Reviewing Licenses

UBC will provide information on this site when we have reviewed the separate Access Copyright licenses signed by Western University and the University of Toronto.

Wiley Update

Wiley will allow a course instructor who has adopted a Wiley textbook to reproduce, on a limited license basis and not for further distribution, Wiley-owned content items included within the textbook and/or instructor support materials. Read more…

Pearson Update

Pearson allows a course instructor who has adopted a Pearson textbook to reproduce Pearson-owned content items included within the textbook and/or instructor support materials. Read more…

The University of British Columbia is transitioning to a new copyright environment

This will affect your teaching research and administrative work. Read More.