These documents provide guidance on the use of copyrighted works at UBC. Copyright at UBC also provides direct support and assistance on copyright issues; please don’t hesitate to contact us.
- March 29, 2023
Copyright Term Extension FAQIn addition to information on the public domain available on the Copyright at UBC website, the Canadian Association of Research Libraries has published a FAQ on term extension that is available on their website. [Read More]
- March 5, 2023
Copyright Term Extension Comes into Force on December 30th, 2022As of December 30, 2022, the length of the copyright term for every literary, dramatic, musical, and artistic work in Canada was extended from 50 to 70 years past the year of death of the author. [Read More]
- February 2, 2023
Fair Dealing Week 2023This year, to celebrate Fair Dealing Week, the British Columbia Copyright Specialist Consortium and the Alberta Copyright Consortium will be co-hosting two online events during the week of February 27th. [Read More]